Welcome to the world of Ansible magic! In this blog post, we're going to uncover the secrets of accessing host_vars and group_vars directly from Python scripts. These variables hold the keys to customizing your automation scripts, empowering you to unlock new levels of flexibility and efficiency in your infrastructure management.
Let’s dive in!
To do this, we’ll use the Ansible API. The Ansible API is a powerful tool that allows you to interact with Ansible programmatically. The documentation for the Ansible API can be found here.
Ansible Project Structure
My ansible project folder structure looks like this
Inventory File
My inventory file looks like this:
Host Vars and Group Vars
Contents of host_vars and group_vars files are as follows:
Accessing Ansible Variables in Python
Now, let’s write a Python script that accesses the host_vars and group_vars from the Ansible project. Refer to the comments in the code for a detailed explanation.
The output of the above script is:
Taking a closer look at the output, you can see that the script successfully has merged the host_vars and group_vars for each host. The group_vars_location variable is available only for hosts that are part of the host1_2 group.
In this blog post, we have explored how to access host_vars and group_vars from an Ansible project within a Python script. This is a powerful technique that can be used to enhance your automation workflows. I hope you found this post helpful.
Here’s to smoother automation and happier coding! 🍺🍻🍺🍻